PX4119: Large Molecules and Life

School Cardiff School of Physics & Astronomy
Department Code PHYSX
Module Code PX4119
External Subject Code 100419
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader PROFESSOR John Macdonald
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2015/6

Outline Description of Module

To introduce physical concepts relevant to understanding macromolecules

To outline the role of macromolecules in important processes in life and to relate their behaviour to that observed in conventional polymers

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Identify different classes of polymers and describe their general characteristics.

Describe the size and shape of macromolecules using macroscopic parameters and the way that these are influenced by solvents.

Compare techniques for studying macromolecular structure and interpret the resulting data.

Discuss the nature, magnitude and role of chemical bonds in macromolecules .

Recall the monomeric structure of DNA and proteins and to describe the physical mechanisms that account for their structure on the macromolecular scale.

Describe the primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins and the way that these affect function and folding.

Analyse the thermodynamic and chemical effects involved in polymer solutions and to demonstrate their significance in a range of physical phenomena.

Assimilate information about macromolecules from research literature and to give written and oral reports which describe the molecular behaviour and outline the underlying physical principles.

How the module will be delivered

Lectures 10 x 1 hr, Project work, marked project.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Investigative skills. Communications skills . Problem solving. Mathematics. Analytical skills.

How the module will be assessed

Examination and Continuous assessment.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 70 Large Molecules And Life 2
Written Assessment 30 Coursework N/A

Syllabus content

Introduction to polymers: Polymerisation; Bonding in Polymers; Configurational states; Copolymers; Molecular Architecture; Effect of Temperature on Structure; Molar Mass; Biological Polymers.

Conformation in polymers: Rotational Isomeric States (RIS): ethane, butane and pentane; RIS in polyethylene; End-toend distance, radius of gyration, distribution of end-to-end distances; Freely-jointed chain, freely-rotating chain models;

Interactions between different parts of chain.

Biomolecules in Life: Introduction: Nucleic acids, proteins and polysaccharides; Bonding in biopolymers; DNA: molecular structure; DNA: replication and molecular mechanisms; Amino Acids; Polypeptide chains: conformation and bonding, ahelix, ß-sheets, Secondary tertiary and quaternary structure and protein function; Synthesis of proteins.

Polymer Solutions and Mixtures: Gibbs free energy of mixing; Regular solutions (small molecules); Modification for polymers in solution; Bimodal and spinodal decomposition; Effect of temperature on mixing; Examples of mixing effects; microphase structure in block copolymers ; adhesion; hydrophobic interactions; good and bad solvents; coil-globule transitions ; Protein folding.

Techniques for investigating Polymer Structure: Electron microscopy: Atomic Force Microscopy; Diffraction; Infra-red Spectroscopy.

Project selection:

Myosins - how do the molecules move along actin filaments?

Kinesins and Dyneins - how do the molecules move along microtubules?

Cilia and Flagella - how do bacteria swim?

ATP-ase - a rotating catalyst that provides energy for all living organisms.

Semiconducting polymers - will electronics become plastic?

Stretching molecules - unfolding of proteins by pulling with an AFM.

X-ray diffraction and NMR studies of protein structure and folding.

Background Reading and Resource List

Polymer Physics, U W Gedde (Chapman and Hall, 1996).

Molecular Biology of the Cell, B Alberts et al, 3rd Edn (Garland Press, 1994).

Biological Physics, P Nelson (Freeman 2008).

Molecular and Cellular Biophysics, M B Jackson (Cambridge University Press 2006).

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