ML9661: French Proficiency C1 Part 1

School Languages for All
Department Code MLANG
Module Code ML9661
External Subject Code 100321
Number of Credits 10
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader MRS Samia Zitouni
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2020/1

Outline Description of Module

This is a module designed for students who have completed French Advanced B2 Part 3 or who have achieved at least a high grade at an A Level or equivalent and have also completed some further study. This module aims to provide you with the necessary linguistic tools you need to engage in fast and colloquial discussions, to understand detailed information reliably, and to identify unfamiliar words from the context on topics related to your field/interests. You will also further develop your understanding of the culture of French speaking countries.

This module is the first part of the preparation for CEFR C1.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Understand a wide range of demanding texts and recognise implicit meaning.

  • Express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.

  • Use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.

  • Produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 30 Coursework N/A
Oral/Aural Assessment 20 Speaking Test N/A
Class Test 50 End Of Module Test N/A

Syllabus content

All skills (writing, reading, listening, talking and translation) will be further developed on the following topics:


  • Les nouvelles technologies (la voiture sans conducteur) et l’impact de la révolution numérique sur notre vie future.
  • L’évolution des relations intergénérationnelles, démographie et vieillissement de la population.  
  • La condition ouvrière, les acquis sociaux, les inégalités sociales d’hier et d’aujourd’hui et l’ascension sociale
  • La redistribution des richesses et la nouvelle organisation du travail.


Essential Reading and Resource List


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