ML0069: Introduction to Catalan Language & Culture

School Hispanic Studies
Department Code MLANG
Module Code ML0069
External Subject Code 100325
Number of Credits 15
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Ms Maria Ribas Tur
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2022/3

Outline Description of Module

This module, a Year 2 option within Hispanic Studies, is designed for students with little or previous knowledge of the Catalan language. The module provides an introduction to grammar, vocabulary and standard pronunciation of the Catalan language with the aim of enabling students to achieve a basic but sound level of competence in written and spoken Catalan and to reach a level corresponding to A1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (see

Catalan culture and an awareness of its history through knowledge of all the territories where Catalan is spoken is also part of the content of this module: Catalan is the official language of Andorra and the co-official one, together with Spanish, of Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands. It is also spoken in some Eastern Aragonese villages, in Southern France and in the town of L’Alguer, in Sardinia. Reading, comprehending, speaking and writing through the practice of translation, grammar exercises, conversation and essay writing will be an essential part of the module.

Basic texts from a variety of registers will be read and discussed in class. Audio and visual material will also be used to teach linguistic and cultural aspects of the module.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  1. Read, understand and speak Catalan to a level comparable with A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR). This includes extracting data and ideas from a range of authentic written texts and/or audio/audio-visual texts.
  2. Speak Catalan confidently and with appropriate grammatical correctness and spontaneity about topics that are familiar and routine.
  3. Write coherent texts in Catalan in a range of registers on a range of topics with appropriate grammatical accuracy.
  4. Analyse basic notions about the culture and the history of the Catalan-speaking territories.

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered through a range of interactive teaching sessions supplemented by online teaching and learning activities and materials – and may include, where relevant, asynchronous materials such as lecture recordings. Full details on the delivery mode of this module will be available on Learning Central at the start of the academic year – and may be, in part, determined by Welsh Government and Public Health Wales guidance.  

Independent Learning: You  will be expected to spend a significant amount of time studying outside the class. Materials will be provided on Learning Central which will help you  develop your expertise as independent language learners. You will be asked to consolidate their class work by learning vocabulary and linguistic structures, and by reading, watching and/or listening to material in Catalan. You  will also be expected to prepare exercises and activities for the class, to write assignments and generally begin to acquire a repertoire of effective language learning strategies. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

This module will provide you with a solid foundation of the basic structures of the target language, as well as some culture and society awareness of the places where Catalan is spoken, therefore enabling them to communicate in the four key language skills at a straightforward level on a range of topics. The emphasis of the module will be placed on achieving the following objectives:

  • Reading skills: Read basic texts (advertisements, notes, menus, personal letters, descriptions, short stories, short newspaper articles or abridged literary texts). Find specific information and be able to understand basic details in everyday material.
  • Listening skills: Understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance (basic personal and family information, shopping, local area, employment). Grasp the main point in short, clear messages or announcements.
  • Speaking skills: Communicate and interact about routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. Handle short social communicative acts in common everyday life situations: provide and ask information on personal details and on daily interactions; use a series of phrases to describe family, friends and other people, living conditions, educational background and professional situation.
  • Writing skills: Write short texts on areas of immediate need and personal information (notes, filling in forms with personal details, descriptions, and personal letters). Write short narratives using the grammatical items for this level.  Be able to translate phrases and short texts from both Catalan into English and English into Catalan.
  • Transferable skills: Identify a number of key aspects of Catalan culture and society, relating them to the sociolinguistic context and to the linguistics points studied during the course.

How the module will be assessed


The key language skills are receptive (reading and listening), production (speaking and writing), mediation (translation between two languages) and intercultural awareness. Developing these skills involves acquiring metalinguistic and lexical competence, i.e. studying the building blocks of the language including grammatical and lexical patterns and structures. All of these skills are assessed through continuous assessment over the course of the module which reflects the progressive and accumulative nature of language learning.

The method(s) of assessing the learning outcomes for this module are set out in the Assessment Table, which also contains the weightings of each assessment component.

Mapping of Assessments to Intended Learning Outcomes:

Coursework 1 assesses ILOs 3

Coursework 2 assesses ILOs 1, 2


1 piece of Coursework (100%) for a maximum of 40%

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 50 Written Assignment 1 N/A
Presentation 50 Video Presentation N/A

Syllabus content


1. Introduction and personal information

  • Presentation of the course
  • The Catalan linguistic territory
  • The alphabet: letters and sounds of Catalan
  • Spelling different words
  • Greetings
  • Giving information about one self and another person: name, surname, gender, civil status, nationality, place of birth, telephone, professional status
  •  Names of countries and nationalities
  •  Personal pronouns
  •  Possessive pronouns
  •  Present tense: ser, tenir, viure, dir-se
  •  Numbers
  •  Prepositions: de/a
  •  Article: el/en, la

 2. Description:  physical description and of character, familiar and social relationships.

  •  Demonstratives: aquest/s, aquesta/es, aquell/s, aquella/es
  •  Interrogatives
  • Present tense: conèixer, tenir
  • Introducing oneself and others in formal and informal contexts
  •  Describing someone’s physical appearance and way to dress
  •  Identifying someone, guessing about his/her age, height and weight
  •  Describing someone’s character: way of being and of behaving
  • Adjectives of quality: alt/a, baix/a, prim/a, gras/ssa, ros/ssa, maco/a, jove, gran...
  • Parts of the body and adjectives related to physical appearance
  • Providing and asking information about the family: names, personal details, family relationships
  • Short adverts

3. The urban landscape: locations, services and place indications

  • Asking and providing information about the place of residence and about how to find specific places in town
  • Vocabulary related to public spaces, ways of transportation
  • Parts of the day and days of the week
  • Times: asking and providing information about times of shows, films and opening times in shops or train/bus schedules
  • Present tense: haver-hi, voler
  • Locative adverbs: dreta, esquerra, dalt, baix, damunt, davall, a la vora, prop, lluny…
  • Adverbs of time: avui, demà, demà passat...
  • At the bar: asking for food and drinks in the menu and asking for prices.

4. Education, professional, routines and leisure activities

  • Asking and providing information about studies and educational background
  • Exchanging information about professional activities: type of job, timetables, salary…
  • Vocabulary of jobs and education
  • Asking and providing information about regular activities as well as leisure and entertainment
  • Months of the  year, seasons, times of meals
  • Irregular verbs: fer, anar, voler...
  • Reflexive verbs: llevar-se, dutxar-se…
  • Incoatives verbs: repartir, servir, llegir…
  • Expressing preferences: agradar, preferir, desagradar…
  • Indirect Object Pronouns: M’agrada, t’agrada, li agrada...

5. The private space: places of residence 

  • Parts of the house, furniture and appliances
  • Adjectives related to the house: assolellat, espaiós, gran
  • Pronoun “hi”
  • Pronoun “en” with “hi ha"
  • Comparisons: superiority and inferiority
  • Que+adjectiu
  • Quin+substantiu+més+adjectiu
  • Informal letters

6.  Eating and drinking

  • At the restaurant: Making a booking (what day and time, how many people)
  • Shops and products
  • Mesures: content and recipients
  • Adverbs of quantity: quant, tant, poc, gaire, bastant, massa, força, molt...
  • Direct Object pronouns: la/el, les/els
  • Direct Object pronoun “en”
  • Direct Object pronoun “ho”
  • Verbs: valer, poder, tenir, haver
  • Adjectives in relation to food: dur, verd, petit, dolç, cuit…
  • Asking information about products: sizes, quality, quantity, shape. Prices
  • Interrogative pronouns

7. Past events 

  • Passat perifràstic  (vaig+infinitive)
  • Talking about past events of one’s life and of the life of others
  • Talking about historical events
  • Review Indirect Object Pronouns: Em/et/li/ens/us/els
  • Review reflexive pronouns
  • Pronouns before and after the verb: em vaig llevar/vaig llevar-me…
  • Imperfet: regular and irregular verbs

8. Recent past events

  • Perfet (haver+past participle)
  • Past participle: regular and irregular
  • Narrating recent past activities and experiences
  • Passat perifràstic vs perfet
  • Injuries and cures
  • Feelings, moods, states of being
  • Pronoun “ho” (attribute)

9. Comparing past events 

  • Describing how things were in the past and how they are now: cities, towns…
  • Expressing opinions about people, activities, routines comparing past and present
  • Using the passat perifràstic and the imperfet tense in narrative texts: short stories, abridged novels, autobiographies...
  • Passat perifràstic vs perfet vs imperfet
  • News: TV news, newspaper articles

10. Future events

  • Future tense: regular and irregular
  • Future plans: holidays, job, studies, entertaining, trips
  • Organising and plan trips: to ask about destinations, timetables, accommodation, transport, prices, bookings
  • Degrees of comparison: més... que, menys... que, tant... com
  • Future vs Conditional
  • Conditional tense: give advise about items and things to do, expressing wishes
  • Impersonal tense: talk about the weather and the temperature

11. Cultural aspects to be introduced throughout the year

  • Catalan Language’s ‘domini lingüístic’ and its historical complexities
  • Cultural and antropological aspects of the different territories where Catalan is spoken
  • Catalan popular culture and traditions: La castanyada, Nadal, Sant Jordi...

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