MC1578: Understanding Journalism Studies

School Cardiff School of Journalism, Media & Cult'l Stud
Department Code JOMEC
Module Code MC1578
External Subject Code 100442
Number of Credits 20
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Robert Franklin
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2014/5

Outline Description of Module

This module introduces students to the key traditions and theoretical approaches to the study of journalism, as well as the significant scholarly and professional debates about recent trends in journalism, by posing some of the five questions which typically inform journalists’ inquiries when they are researching and writing news stories: Who? What? Where? When? Why? And occasionally, How? - Although not necessarily in that order. 

Students will consider, analyse and critically assess: public images of journalists and their representation in creative writing and film; the gendered character of journalism and the exclusion of ethnic minorities; the distinctive understandings of journalism offered by the interpretive communities of scholars and journalists; the different approaches of political economy, organisational and cultural theorists to the understanding of journalism; the discussion about what constitutes news and how such assessments are shifting; the debates about the alleged “dumbing down” of the quality press, the impact of political journalism and “spin” on public attitudes to politics, as well as the role of journalists in the reporting/creating the “Fog of War”; the impact of public relations in shaping news agendas and generating ‘Flat Earth News’; the origins of journalism and the emergence of the “news paradigm”; the debate about blogging, citizen journalism and the identity of the journalist; virtual newsrooms and the potential 
of the internet to liberate journalists from their confinement in the newsrooms. Oh Yes, and the vital question about how a viable and democratic journalism might be funded in an age of digital media.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowledge and Understanding

1. Of the central and significant theoretical approaches to the study of journalism

2. About key debates concerning contemporary developments in journalism

3. About the structures and purposes of journalism and the key activities of journalists

4. Of public and professional understandings of journalism and journalists

5. Concerning the impact of the Internet on journalism and newsrooms

Intellectual Skills

1. Be able to analyse the role and position of journalism in contemporary society, economy, polity and culture

2. Be able to assess critically competing theoretical approaches to the study of journalism

3. Be able to engage in scholarly assessment of concepts central to journalism, including objectivity, the fourth estate and the public sphere

Discipline Specific (including practical) skills

1. Analyse texts about journalism and journalism studies

2. Analyse texts about journalism across a range of central themes within the discipline

How the module will be delivered

Lectures and seminars.

Skills that will be practised and developed

The ability to: 

1. undertake independent study
2. develop and apply critical thinking to a variety of academic materials
3. précis and make structured notes
4. structure and present an academic argument
5. manage study time effectively

How the module will be assessed

Assessment is by coursework and unseen examination.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 50 Mid Term Essay N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 50 Understanding Journalism Studies 2

Syllabus content

This module explores key theoretical approaches to the study of journalism, analyses significant debates about recent trends in journalism and examines some of the central concerns of journalists’ reporting activities.

WHO are the journalists? Image and reality of the profession of journalism.

(1) Journalists at the Movies: Crusaders or Propagandists? - Images of Journalism in Creative Writing and Film

(2) Journalism and Diversity: A “horribly white” profession

WHAT is Journalism?

Theory and Debates

(3) What is Journalism? Contested Meanings and Interpretive Communities.

(4) “Lousy Journalism Reflects Lousy Structures?” Political Economy, Organisational and Culturalist approaches to the study of Journalism.

Issues and Debates

(5) Spin and Political Journalism: What is Politics Doing to Our Media?

(6) Reporting (and creating?) the ‘Fog of War’: Truth, Censorship and Embedded Journalists

(7) Newszak or News? The ‘Dumbing Down’ Debate.

(8) News in the Round or “Flat Earth News?” Journalism, Sources and Public Relations


(9) The Origins of Journalism: The News Paradigm, News values and News Writing 

Essential Reading and Resource List

Aldridge, M. (1998) “The Tentative Hell-Raisers: Identity and Mythology In Contemporary UK Press Journalism” in Media Culture and Society, Vol 20 No 1 January, pp109-129

Brennan, B. (2003) “Sweat not Melodrama: Reading the structure of feeling in All the President’s Men” in Journalism vol 4 no 1 pp 113-131

Cozma, R and Hamilton, J. (2009) “Film Portrayals of Foreign Correspondents: A content analysis of Movies before WWII and after Vietnam” in Journalism Studies vol 10 no 4

Ehrlich, M (1997) “Journalism in the Movies” Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Vol. 14, pp 267-281.

Lonsdale, S (2013) “We Agreed that Women were A Nuisance in the Office Anyway: The Portrayal of Women in early 20th Century Fiction” in Journalism Studies vol 14 no 4 pp461-75

McNair, B (2010) Journalists in Film: Heroes and Villains Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Also read McNair’s regular film reviews about journalism in every issue of Journalism Practice since vol 5 no 3.

Sabin, R. (2011) ‘The Wire; Dramatising the crisis in journalism’ in Journalism Studies vol 12 no 2 pp139-155

Cochrane, K. (2011) “Why are there so few Women?” Guardian G2 5 December 2011, pp6-9

Hanitzsch, T. and Hanusch, F. (2012) “Does Gender Determine Journalists’ Professional Views?” in European Journal of Communication, vol 27 no 3 pp257-77

Lonsdale, S (2013) “We Agreed that Women were A Nuisance in the Office Anyway: The Portrayal of Women in early 20th Century Fiction” in Journalism Studies vol 14 no 4 pp461-75

Ross, K (2001) “Women at work: Journalism as En-Gendered Practice” in Journalism Studies vol 2 no 4, pp 531-44

Ross, Karen, and Cynthia Carter (2011) “Women and News: A Long Winding Road.” Media, Culture & Society 33 (8):1148-1165.

Society of Editors (2004) Diversity in the Newsroom: Employment of Minority Ethnic Journalists in newspapers Cambridge: Society of editors

Tuchman, Gaye (1978) “The Symbolic Annihilation of Women by the Mass Media.” In Hearth and Home: Images of Women in the Mass Media, edited by Gaye Tuchman, Kaplan Daniels and James Benet, 3-38 New York: Oxford University Press.

Women in Journalism (2012) Report on the prominence of male reporters on the front pages of the national press
Franklin, B. (2013) “Launch Editorial” in Digital Journalism vol 1 no 1

Harcup, T (2009) Journalism: Principles and Practice London: Sage

Hoyer, S. and Pottker, H. (2005) Diffusion of the News Paradigm 1850-2000 Gothenburg: Nordicom

Vos, T. (2011) “A Mirror of the Times”; A history of the mirror metaphor in journalism’ in Journalism Studies vol 12 no 5, pp575-590

Zelizer, B (2004) Taking Journalism Seriously: News and the Academy London: Sage

Beam, R Brownlee, B Weaver, D and Di Ciccio, D (2009) “Journalism and Public Service in Troubled Times” in Journalism Studies vol 10 no 6 pp 734-53

Herman, E.S. (2000) “The Propaganda Model revisited” Journalism Studies, vol. 1 no1 pp101-113

McChesney, R. W. (2003) “The Problem of Journalism: A Political Economic Contribution to an Explanation of the Crisis in Contemporary U.S. Journalism” in Journalism Studies, vol 4 no 3

Nichols, J. and McChesney, R. (2013) Dollarocracy: How the Money and Media Election Complex is Destroying America, USA

Philo, G. “Can Discourse Analysis Successfully Explain the Content of Media and Journalism” in Journalism Studies vol 8 no 2 pp 175-96

Reese, S (2001) “Understanding the Global Journalist: A Hierarchy of Influences Approach” in Journalism Studies vol 2 no 2 May, pp 173-188

Andrews, L (2005) “Spin: From Tactic to Tabloid” in Journal of Public Affairs vol 5 pp1-16

Bakker, P. Broertjes, P. van Liempt, A. Prinzing, M. andSmit, G (2013) “This is Not What We Agreed; Negotiating interview conditions in Germany and the Netherlands” in Journalism Practice vol 7 no 4, pp 396-412.
Blair, T. (2007) Speech about his relations with the news media delivered at the Reuters Oxford International Institute for Journalism June

Franklin, B. (2003) “A Good Day To Bury Bad News: Journalists, Sources and the Packaging of Politics” in Cottle, S (Ed) News, Power and Public Relations London: Sage

Schudson, M. (2008) Why Democracies need An Unlovable Press Cambridge: Polity Press

Verweij, P. (2012) “Twitter links between Politicians and Journalists” in Journalism Practicevol 7 nos 5-6

Wheeler, M. (2012) “The Democratic Worth of Celebrity Politics in an Era of late Modernity” in The British Journal of Politics and International Relations vol 14 no 3, pp407-422

Allan, S. and Matheson, D. (2009) Digital War Reporting Cambridge: Polity Press

Bell, M. (1998) “The Journalism of Attachment” in Kieran, M (Ed) Media Ethics London: Routledge

Brandenberg, H. (2007)‘Security at the Source’; Embedding Journalists as a Superior Strategy to Military Censorship” inJournalism Studies vol 8 no 6

Fahmy, Shahira. 2007. “They Took It Down”: Exploring Determinants of Visual Reporting in the Toppling of the Saddam Statue in National and International Newspapers.” Mass Communication & Society no. 10 (2):143-170.

Hänska-Ahy, M. and Shapour, R. (2013) “Who’s Reporting the Protests? Converging practices of citizen journalists and two BBC World Service newsrooms, from Iran’s election protests to the Arab uprisings” in Journalism Studies vol 14 no 1

Hall, J. (2000) “The First Web War: Bad things happen in unimportant places” in Journalism Studies vol 1 no 3 pp387-404

Knightley, P. (1975) The First Casualty: the war correspondent as hero and myth maker from the Crimea to Kosovo London: Andre Deutsch

Philo, G. and Berry, M. (2004) Bad News From Israel London: Pluto

Conboy, M (2006) Tabloid Britain London; Routledge

Djerf Pierre, M. (2000) “Squaring the Circle: Public Service and Commercial News on Swedish television 1956-99 in Journalism Studies vol. 1 no 2 pp239-61

Franklin, B. (2008) “Newszak: Entertainment versus News and Information” in Biressi, A. and Nunn, H. (Eds) The Tabloid Culture Reader Maidenhead: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill

Nguyen, A. (2012) “The effect of ‘Soft News’ on Public Attachment to the news: Is ‘infotainment’ good for democracy?” in Journalism Studies vol 13, nos 5-6, pp706-717

Sparks, C. and Tulloch J. (2000) Tabloid Tales: Global Debates Over Media Standards Lanham, MD: Rownan and Littlefield

Stevenson, N. (2010) “Chatting the News: The democratic discourse qualities of non-market and market political talk television” in Journalism Studies 11 (6) pp852-873

Thussu, D (2008) News As Entertainment London: Sage

Davies, N. (2008) Flat Earth News London: Chatto and Windus

Franklin, B. (2011) “Sources, Credibility and The Continuing Crisis of UK Journalism” in Franklin, B and Carlson, M (Eds) Journalism, Sources and Credibility; New Perspectives New York and London: Routledge pp90-106

Van Leuven, S. Deprez, A and Raeymaeckers, K. (2013) “Increased news Access for International NGOs?

O’Neill, D. and O’Connor, C (2008) “The Passive Journalist; How Sources dominate local news” in Journalism Practice vol 2 no 3 pp 487-500

Van Hout, T. (2011) “Sourcing Business news: A case study of public relations uptake” in Franklin, B and Carlson, M (Eds) Journalism, Sources and Credibility; New Perspectives New York and London: Routledge pp107-26

Reich, Z (2010) “Measuring the Impact of PR on Published News in Increasingly Fragmented News Environments; A Multifaceted Approach” in Journalism Studies 11 (6) pp 799-816

Vis, F. (2013) “Twitter as a Reporting Tool for Breaking News: Journalists Tweeting the 2011 UK Riots” in Digital Journalism Vol 1 no 1 pp27-47,

Vol 5 no 5 of the Journal Journalism Practice is a special themed issue devoted to “How Journalism Uses History” Read the introductory essay by Conboy, Horst Pottker’s wonderful conceptual discussion of the significance of history to the study of journalism and Daly’s engaging and entertaining essay on who gets it right, Journalists or historians?

Atwood, R. and de Beer, A. (2001) “The Roots of Academic News Research: Tobias Peucer’s De Relationibus Novellis (1690)” in Journalism Studies vol 2 no 4 pp469-484

Harcup, T. and O’Neill, D. (20011) “What is News? Galtung and Ruge revisited” in Journalism Studies vol 2 no 2 pp261-80

McChesney, R. W. (2012) “Farewell to Journalism? Time for a Rethinking” in Journalism Studies vol 13 nos 5-6)

Muhlmann, G (2008) A Political History of Journalism Cambridge: Polity Press

Pottker, H (2003) “News and its Communicative Quality: The inverted pyramid – when and why did it appear?” in Journalism Studiesvol 4 no 4, pp501-512  Van Tuyll, D (2010) “The Past is Prologue, Or: How nineteenth century journalism might just save twenty first century newspapers” in Journalism Studies 11 (4) pp 477-86

Bakker, P (2012) “Aggregation, Content Farms and Huffinization: The rise of low-pay and no-pay journalism” in Journalism Practice vol 7 nos 5-6

Chyi, I and Lee, A. M. (2013) “A Structural Model linking preference, use and Paying Intent” in Digital Journalism vol 1 no 2 pp194-211.

Krumsvick, A (2012) “Why Old media will be Funding Journalism in the Future” in Journalism Studies vol 13 no 5-6

Myllylahti, M. (2014) “Newspaper paywalls: The Hype and the Reality” in Digital Journalism vol 2 no 2 - Already available online

Pavlik, J. (2013) “Innovation and the Future of Journalism” in Digital Journalism vol 1 no 2, pp 181-193

Zhang, I (2012) “The Newsroom of the Future; Newsroom Convergence Models in China” in Journalism Practice vol 7 nos 5-6

Background Reading and Resource List

Ehrlich, M (2004) Journalism in the Movies Champaign: University of Illinois

Foot, P (1999) “The Slow Death of Investigative Journalism” in Glover, S. (Ed) Secrets of the Press: Journalists on Journalism London: Allen Lane

French, P. and Rossell, D. (1991) The Press: Observed And Projected London: National Film Theatre Dossier no 6

Hanson, C. Picard, R. and McMasters, P. (2004) Essays on the Jayson Blair affair in Journalism Studies vol 5 no 3 pp399-409

Inglis, F (2002) People’s Witness: The Journalist in Modern Politics London: Yale University Press

Lasorsa, D. and Dai, J (2007) “Newsroom’s Normal Accident? An exploratory study of 10 cases of journalistic deception” in Journalism Practice vol 1 no 2 pp159-174

Orwell, G (1957) “Politics and the English Language” in Inside the Whale and Other Essays London: Penguin, pp 143-159

Patterson, M. and Urbanski, S. (2006) “What Jayson Blair and Janet Cooke say about the Press and the Erosion of Public Trust” by in Journalism Studies vol 7 no 6 December

Waugh, E. (1964) Scoop London: Penguin

Wesker, A. (1979) The Journalists

Ainley, B. (1998) Black Journalists, White Media Trentham Books, Stoke on Trent

Chambers, D. Steiner, L and Fleming, C (2004) Women and Journalism London: Routledge

Delano, A (2000) “No Sign of a Better Job: 100 Years of British Journalism” in Journalism Studies vol 1 no 2 pp261-73

Edstrom, M and Ladendorf, M (2012) “Freelance Journalists as A Flexible Workforce in Media Industries” in Journalism Practice vol 7 nos 5-6

IWMF. 2011. "Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media." vol. 2012. Washington, DC: International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF).

Len-Rios, Maria E., Shelly Rodgers, Esther Thorson, and Doyle Yoon. 2005. “Representation of Women in News and Photos: Comparing Content to Perceptions.” Journal of Communication55 (1):152-168.

Lofgren Nilson, M (2010) “Thinkings and Doings of Gender: Gendering processes in Swedish television News Production” in Journalism Practice 4 (1) pp 1-17

Mellinger, G. (2013) Chasing Newsroom Diversity; From Jim Crow to Affirmative Action University of Illinois Press: Illinois, USA

Peters, B. (2001) Equality and Quality: Setting Standards for Women in Journalism IFJ Survey and Report

Ross, K (2005) “Women in the Boyzone: Gender, News and Herstory” in Allan, S (Ed) Journalism: Critical Issues London: OUP pp287-99

Weaver, D. H. (2005) “Who Are Journalists?” in de Burgh (Ed) Making Journalists London: Routledge, pp44-58

Weaver, D. H. (Ed) (1998) The Global Journalist: News People Around the World, Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc

Weaver, D Beam, RA Brownlee, B. Voakes, P and Wilhoit, CG (2006) The American Journalist in the 21st Century Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

Chalaby, J. (1996) “Journalism as an Anglo-American Invention” in European Journal of Communication Vol. 11 no 3, pp303-26

Cole, P and Harcup T (2009) Newspaper Journalism London: Sage

Conboy, M (2012) Journalism Studies; the Basics London: Routledge

Conboy, M. (2004) Journalism: A Critical History London: Sage

Coward, R (2010) “Journalism Ethics and Confessional Journalism” in Journalism Practice 4(2)

De Burgh, H. (2000) Investigative Journalism: Context and Practice London: Routledge

Franklin, B. et al (2005) Key Concepts in Journalism Studies London: Sage

Franklin, B. (2006) Local Journalism and Local Media; Making the Local News London: Routledge

Hanitzsch, T. et al (2011) ‘Mapping Journalism Cultures Across nations; A comparative study of 18 countries’ in Journalism Studies vol 12 no 3, pp 273-94

Kovach, B. and Rosenstiel, T. (2001) Elements of Journalism London: Atlantic

Loffelholz, M. and Weaver, D. (2008) Global Journalism Research: Theories, Methods, Findings, Oxford: Blackwell especially the chapter by Wahl-Jorgensen and Franklin pp172-185

Marr, A (2004) My Trade: A Short History of British Journalism Basingstoke: Macmillan

McNair B (2005) “What is Journalism?” in de Burgh Making Journalists London: Routledge, pp 25-43

Pape, S and Featherstone S (2005) Newspaper Journalism: An Introduction London: Sage

Schudson, M. (1995) The Power of News. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press

Shapiro, I. (2010) “Evaluating Journalism: Towards an assessment framework for the practice of Journalism” in Journalism Practice 4 (2)

Tambini, D. (2010) “What are Financial Journalists for?” in Journalism Studies 11 (2)

Boyd Barrett, O. (2004) “Judith Miller, The New York Times, and the Propaganda Model” in Journalism Studies vol 5 no 4

Croteau, D and Haynes, W. (2006) The Business of Media: Corporate media and the public interest Pine Forge, USA

Curran, J. (1990) “Culturalist Perspectives of News Organisations: A Reappraisal and A Case Study” in Ferguson, M. (Ed) Public Communications; The New Imperatives, Sage, London, pp114-134.

Goss, M. (2009) “’The Left-Media’s Stranglehold’: Flak and accuracy in media reports 2007-8” in Journalism Studies vol 10 no 4.

Hackett, R. A and Uzelman, S (2003) “Tracing Corporate Influences on Press Content: A Summary of Recent NewsWatch Canada Research” in Journalism Studies vol 4 no 3 pp 331-346

Hall, S et al (1978) Policing the Crisis London: Macmillan

Hamilton, J. (2004) All the News That’s Fit to Sell Princeton: Princeton University Press

Harcup, T and O’Neill, D (2001) “What Is News?” in Journalism Studies vol 2 no 2 pp261-281

Klaehn, J (2003) “Behind the Invisible Curtain of Scholarly Criticism: Revisiting the Propaganda Model” Journalism Studies vol 4 no 3 pp359-370

McChesney, R. W and Nichols, J (2010) The Death and Life of American Journalism New York: Nation Books

McCombs, M (2005) “A Look at Agenda Setting, Past, Present and Future” in Journalism Studies vol 6 no 4, pp543-558

Schultz, I. (2007) “The Journalistic Gut Feeling: Journalistic doxa, news habitus and orthodox news values” in Journalism Practice vol 1 no 2 pp 190-207

Strömbäck, J. Karlsson, M. and Hopmann, D. (2012) “Determinants of News Content: Comparing journalists’ perceptions of the normative and actual impact of different event properties when deciding what’s news” in Journalism Studies vol 13 nos 5-6, pp718-728

Vujnovic, M. et al (2010) Exploring the Political Economic Factors of Participatory Journalism; Views of Online journalists in 10 Countries” in Journalism Practice 4 (3) pp285-96

Blick, A. (2004) The People Who Live in the Dark: A History of the Special Adviser in British Politics, London: Politicos

Campbell, A. (2007) The Blair Years London: Hutchinson

Franklin, B (2004) Packaging Politics: Political Communication in Britain’s Media Democracy, 2nd Edition London: Hodder,

Jones, N (2010) Campaign 2010 London: Biteback

Jones, N. (2006) Trading Information: Lies, Leaks and Tip-Offs London: Politicos Second Edition

Lloyd, J (2004) What The Media Are Doing To Our Politics London: Constable and Robinson

Oborne, P and Walters, S. (2004) Alastair Campbell London: Aurum Press

Price, L (2010) Where Power Lies: Prime Ministers Versus the Media London: Simon and Schuster

Price, L (2005) The Spin Doctor’s Diary; Inside No 10 with new Labour London: Hodder and Stoughton.

Barkho, L. (2008) “The BBC’s Discursive Strategy and Practice vis-à-vis the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict” in Journalism Studies vol 9 no 2 pp 278-294

Beck, S. and Downing, M. (2003) The Battle for Iraq: BBC News correspondents on the war against Saddam and A New World Agenda London: BBC Publicationsde Bens, E. Hauttekeete, l. and Lagast, H (2002) “Disinformation in Coverage of the Kosovo War in the Flemish Daily Press” in Journalism Studies vol 3 no 2 pp241-56

Deacon, D. (2008) British News Media and the Spanish Civil War: Tomorrow may be too late Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press

Fahmy, Shahira, and Daekyung Kim. 2008. “Picturing the Iraq War: Constructing the Image of War in the British and US Press.” The International Communication Gazette no. 70 (6):443-462.

Goff, P (Ed) (1999) The Kosovo News and Propaganda War Vienna: International Press Institute

Hammond, P. (2000) “Reporting ‘Humanitarian’ Warfare: propaganda, moralism and NATO’s Kosovo War” in Journalism Studies vol 1 no 3 pp365-386

Kampfner, J. (2003) Blair's Wars. London: Free Press.

Kim, HS. Hama-Saeed, M. (2008) “Emerging Media in Peril: Iraqi journalism in the post –Saddam era” in Journalism Studies vol 9 no 4 pp578-594

Keeble, R.L. and Mair, J. (2010) Afghanistan War and the Media: Deadlines and Frontlines London: Abramis

Knightley, P. (2003) “History or Bunkum” British Journalism Review vol 14 no 2 pp5-14

Korn, A. (2004) “Reporting Palestinian Casualties in the Israeli Press: The Case of Haaretz and the Intifada” in Journalism Studies vol 5 no 2

Lewis, J. et al (2004) Too Close For Comfort? The role of embedded reporting during the 2003 Iraq war Cardiff: Cardiff University

Lule, J. (2004) “War and Its Metaphors: News Language and the Prelude to War in Iraq, 2003” in Journalism Studies vol 5 no 2

Miller, D. (2003) Tell Me Lies: Propaganda and Media Distortion in the Attack on Iraq London Pluto

Philo, G. (2002) “Television News and Audience Understanding of War, Conflict and Disaster” in Journalism Studies vol 3 no 2 pp173-186

Rampton, S. and Stauber, J. (2003) Weapons of Mass Deception London: Robinson

Richardson, J.E. and Barkho, L. (2009) “Reporting Israel/Palestine: The verbal and visual rhetoric of BBC Journalism” in Journalism Studies vol 19 no 5

Robinson, P. et al (2010) Pockets of resistance; British news media, war and theory in the 2003 invasion of Iraq Manchester: Manchester University Press

Barnett, S. Ramsey, G and Gaber I. (2012) From Callaghan to Credit Crunch: Changing trends in British TV News 1975-2009

Barnett, S and Seymour, E (1999) A Shrinking Iceberg Slowly Travelling South: Changing trends in British television – A case study of drama and Current Affairs, London: Campaign for Quality Television.

Cole, P. (2008) “Compact Editions” in Franklin, B. (Ed) Pulling Newspapers Apart: Analysing Print JournalismLondon: Routledge pp183-191

Conboy, M. (2007) A special issue of Journalism Studies on Popular/tabloid Journalism vol 8 no 1 Feb 2007

Costera Meijer, I. (2001) “The Public Quality of Popular Journalism: Developing a Normative Framework” in Journalism Studies vol 2 no 2 May, pp189-206

Esser, F (1999) “Tabloidisation of News: A Comparative Analysis of Anglo-American and German Press Journalism” in European Journal of Communication vol 14 no 3 pp291-324

Fenton, T. (2005) Bad News; the decline of reporting, the business of news, and the danger to us all Texas: Harper Collins

Franklin, B. (1997) Newszak and News Media London: Arnold

Harcup, T and O’Neill D (2001) “What is News? Galtung and Ruge Revisited” Journalism Studies vol 2 no 2 May pp261-80

Harrington, S. (2010) “”Reciprocal Journalism: Breakfast news, Sunrise and the televisual sphere” in Journalism Studies 11 (2)

Langer, J. (1997) Tabloid Journalism Routledge, London

Ornebring, H (2006) “The Maiden Tribute and the Naming of Monsters: Two case studies of tabloid journalism and the public sphere” in Journalism Studies vol 7 no 6 pp851-68

Rafferty, E. (2008) “Headlines” in Franklin, B. (Ed) Pulling Newspapers Apart: Analysing Print JournalismLondon: Routledge pp224-232

Winston, B (2002) “The Tabloidization of Television 1975-2001” in Journalism Studies vol 3 no1 Feb pp1-24

Broersma, M. den Herder, B. and Schohaus, B. (2013) “A Question of PowerThe changing dynamics between journalists and sources” in Journalism Practice, vol 7 no 4, pp 388-395.

Davis, A (2009) “Journalist-Source Relations and the Social Construction of Politics” in Journalism Studies vol 10 no 2

Davis, A (2008) “Public Relations in the News” in Franklin, B. (Ed) Pulling Newspapers Apart: Analysing print journalism London: Routledge pp272-281

Davis, A. (2002) Public Relations Democracy: Public Relations, Politics and the Mass Media in Britain Manchester: Manchester University Press

Franklin, B. (2004) Packaging Politics; Political communication in Britain’s media democracy London: Arnold chapter on local government Public relations.

Franklin, B. (1986) “Public Relations, the Local Press and the Coverage of Local Government” Local Government Studies Summer pp25-33

Lewis, J. Williams, A. and Franklin, B. (2008) “Four Rumours and An Explanation: A political economic account of journalists’ changing newsgathering and reporting practices” in Journalism Practice vol 2 no 1, pp 27 -45

Lewis, J. Williams, A. and Franklin, B. (2008) “A Compromised Fourth estate? UK News journalism, public relations and news sources” in Journalism Studies vol 9 no 1, pp 1- 20

Manning, P. (2008) “The Press Association and News Agency Sources” in Franklin, B. (Ed) Pulling Newspapers Apart: Analysing print journalism London: Routledge pp262-271

Miller, D and Dinan, W (2007) A Century of Spin: How Public Relations Became the Cutting Edge of Corporate Power London: Pluto

Petley, J. (2008) “Flat Earth news; When the dogs bite” in Journalism Practice vol 2 no 3 pp501-6

Phillips, A. (2010) “Transparency and the New Ethics of Journalism” in Journalism Practice 4 (3) pp373-81

Reich, Z. (2008) “How Citizens Create News Stories: The ‘news access’ problem reversed” in Journalism Studies vol 9 no 5

Journalism Studiesvol 7 no 3 June 2006, is a special issue devoted to the history of journalism in the UK with articles discussing press coverage of public executions, the history of local sports journalism and the contribution of the pioneering journalist and editor W.T. Stead to the development of journalism in the UK.

Barnhurst, K and Nerone, J (2003) “US Newspaper Types, the Newsroom and the division of Labour 1750-2000 in Journalism Studies vol 4 no 4 pp435-450

Chalaby, Jean K. (1998) The Invention of Journalism Basingstoke: Macmillan

Galtung J and Ruge, M. (1965) “Structuring and Selecting News” in Cohen S. and Young J (Eds) The Manufacture of News: Social Problems, Deviance and the News Media London: Constable pp62-72

Greenslade, R (2003) Press Gang: How newspaper make profits from propaganda London: Macmillan

Hampton, M (2005) Visions of the Press in Britain 1850-1950 Urbana: University of Illinois

Harcup, T (2009) Journalism: Principles and Practice London: Sage, Second Edition

Høyer, S (2003) “Newspapers Without Journalists” in Journalism Studies vol 4 no 4, pp451-464

Nerone, J and K Barnhurst (2003) “U.S. Newspaper Types, the Newsroom, and the Division of Labor, 1750–2000” in Journalism Studiesvol 4 no 4 pp435-450

Strömbäck, J. Karlsson, M. and Hopmann, D. (2012) “Determinants of News Content: Comparing journalists’ perceptions of the normative and actual impact of different event properties when deciding what’s news” in Journalism Studies vol 13 nos 5-6, pp718-728

Waterhouse, K (1993) Waterhouse on Newspaper Style London: Penguin

Aitamurto, T. (2011) ‘The Impact of Crowdfunding on Journalism; A case study of Spot.US, a platform for community funded reporting’ in Journalism Practice, vol 5 no 4 pp429-445

Bivens, R (2008) “The Internet, Mobile Phones and Blogging: How new media are transforming traditional journalism” in Journalism Practice vol 2 no 1 pp 113-129

Brennen, B. and Dela Cerna, E. (2010) “Journalism in Second Life” in Journalism Studies 11 (4) pp546-554

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