CP0120: Society, Diversity and Planning

School Cardiff School of Geography and Planning
Department Code GEOPL
Module Code CP0120
External Subject Code 100197
Number of Credits 20
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Craig Gurney
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2015/6

Outline Description of Module

This module introduces students to key aspects of inequality in contemporary British society and considers contrasting theoretical perspectives to explain these.  Sociological theories are used to make sense of contemporary social change.  The lecture programme reflects current policy and academic debates which allows for a consideration of, amongst other topics, social exclusion, social mobility, riots and civic unrest, racial and gendered discrimination, social capital and the “Big Society”, consumption, identity and cultural capital and the spatialisation of social class.  It provides a context for planners and geographers to understand the spatial consequences of social change and an introduction to a range of sociological theoretical perspectives which seek to explain these.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

1.         Describe and explain key forms of structural inequality in contemporary British society.

2.         Describe and explain the patterning, including the spatial dimensions, of these inequalities.

3.         Describe and explain the processes which lead to these inequalities

4.         Use official government statistics to describe and explain aspects of inequality

5.         Use appropriate sociological theories to explain patterns and trends in published data

6.         Evaluate sociological theories to explain the spatial context of social change

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered through a combination of lectures, workshops and on-line resources.  Lectures will include where appropriate, videos whilst workshops will focus upon the provision of skills (for example report writing, essay writing and referencing sources).  Podcasts and links to videos, infographics, and relevant statistical resources will be provided on-line.

Skills that will be practised and developed

The application of sociological ideas to learning other modules.

Use of statistical data and official sources.

Analysis and presentation of secondary data

Report writing and essay writing skills

Engagement with, and appreciation of contemporary social issues

How the module will be assessed

Type of assessment



(if applicable)

Approx. date of Assessment

Coursework: Report


A critical evaluation of the indicators used in a published survey.

2500 words


Coursework: Essay


A choice of essay questions.

1500 words


The opportunity for reassessment in this module

Students are permitted to be reassessed in a module which they have failed, in line with the course regulations. The reassessment will usually take place during the summer.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 50 Coursework 1 - Report N/A
Written Assessment 50 Coursework 2 - Essay N/A

Syllabus content

This module draws upon the social science discipline of sociology but it is not a “dry” theory module.  It makes no assumptions about prior learning and presents theories as practical tools to explain the world “out there”.  It starts with an introduction to the sociological imagination,  that is the way in which sociologists view the world, compares that to the starting points other social science disciplines and then moves on to apply this perspective to a range of contemporary social issues with which geographers and planners will have a keen interest.  These will include:


  • social class, social stratification and social mobility
  • social exclusion
  • gendered inequalities,
  • ‘racial’ inequalities, institutionalised racism and plural cities
  • consumption inequalities the consumer culture
  • social capital, networks and community,
  • cultural capital, geodemographics and the mapping of class,
  • representations of urban life in contemporary film and fiction,
  • riots and civic unrest

Essential Reading and Resource List

Cuff, E. et al (2006) Perspectives on sociology (5e) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge [ebook]

Devine, F. et al (eds) (2004) Rethinking Class: Cultures, Identities and Lifestyles. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan.

Fulcher, J. and Scott, J. (2011) Sociology (4e).  Oxford.  OUP.

Giddens, A, (2009) Sociology (6e). Cambridge.  Polity.

Macionis, J. and Plummer, K. (2012) Sociology: A Global Introduction (5e).  Harlow.  Pearson Prentice Hall. [ebook].

National Centre for Social Research (2013) British Social Attitudes Survey 30 [online] http://www.bsa-30.natcen.ac.uk [Accessed 20/6/14]

Ritzer, G. (ed) (2012) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to sociology.  Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell [ebook].

Background Reading and Resource List

Social Exclusion

Burchardt, T.,LeGrand, J., & Piachaud, D. (1999). Social exclusion in Britain. Social Policy and Administration, 33, 227-244.

Hammer, T. (2003). Youth unemployment and social exclusion in Europe. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Hargie, O. et al. (2011) Constructions of Social Exclusion Among Young People From Interface Areas of Northern Ireland.  Youth and Society 43: 873-899

Hills, J., LeGrand,J., & Piachaud, D. (Eds.) (2002). Understanding social exclusion.  Oxford: Oxford University Press

MacInnes,, T. et al (2013) Monitoring Poverty and Social Exclusion 2013.  [online]  York.  Joseph Rowntree Foundation/New Policy Institute.  http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/MPSE2013.pdf [Accessed 20/6/14]

Shucksmith, M. (2012) Class, power and inequality in rural areas:  beyond social exclusion? Sociologica Ruralis. 52 (4) 377-397.

Sommerville, P. and Steele, A. (eds.) (2002) 'Race', housing and social exclusion.  London: Jessica Kingsley.

Pleace, N. and Jones, A. (2011) 'Homelessness and social exclusion', in I. Anderson (ed.) Housing and Social Inequality (2e), London: Chartered Institute of Housing.


Social class and social stratification

Alm, S. (2011) Downward social mobility across generations: the role of parental mobility and education.  [online]  Sociological Research Online, 16 (3) 2.  http://www.socresonline.org.uk/16/3/2.html [Accessed 20/6/14]

Cribb, J. et al.  (2013) Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK.  [online] London: Institute for Fiscal Studies.  www.ifs.org.uk/comms/r81.pdf [accessed 20/6/14].

DeBeer, P. (2012) Earning and income inequality in the UK during the crisis.  International Labour Review, Vol. 151 (2012), No. 4 313-331.

Guardian, The (2013) Classing Britian: Why definimg social status is so difficult.  [online] Datablog 3/4/2013. http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2013/apr/03/class-britain-defining-social-status [Accessed 20/6/14]

Hills, J. et al (2010) An anatomy of economic inequality in the UK.  London: CASE

Muntaner, C. et al (2012) Social Class, Politics, and the Spirit Level: Why Income Inequality Remains Unexplained and Unsolved.  International Journal of Health Services 42 (3) 369-381 (This article will be useful for next week's lecture too)

Saunders, P. (2010) Social Mobility Myths.  London: Civitas.

Savage, M. et al (2013) A new model of social class?  Findings from the BBC’s Great British Class Experiment.  Sociology Vol 47 (2) 219-250

Socialist Health Association (nd) The Black Report 1980. [online]  http://www.sochealth.co.uk/public-health-and-wellbeing/poverty-and-inequality/the-black-report-1980/ [Accessed 20/6/14].

Walker, A, et al eds.  (2011) Fighting poverty, inequality and injustice: A manifesto inspired by Peter Townsend.  Bristol: The Policy Press.  [ebook].

Wilkinson, R and Pickett, K. (2010) The Spirit Level: Why equality is better for everyone.  London. Penguin.

Wong, Y. (2010) Social mobility and social inequality: the ambivalence of the middle class.  [online] Sociological Research Online, 15 (2) 2.  http://www.socresonline.org.uk/15/2/2.html [Accessed 20/6/14]



Gendered inequalities and patriarchal social relations

Abbott, P.et al. (2005) An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist perspectives, (3e) Routledge, London.

Booth, C. et al. (Eds.) (1996) Changing places; women’s lives in the city, London. Paul Chapman

EHRC (2010) How Fair is Britain? [online] http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/key-projects/how-fair-is-britain/full-report-and-evidence-downloads/ (Accessed 17/2/14)

National Centre for Social Research (2013) Gender Roles: an incomplete revolution.  British Social Attitudes Survey 30 [online] http://www.bsa-30.natcen.ac.uk/read-the-report/gender-roles/introduction.aspx [accessed 19/2/14]

Rahman, M. and Jackson, S. (2010) Gender and sexuality: sociological approaches.  Cambridge : Polity.

Roberts, M. (1990) 'Gender and Housing: The Impact of Design', Built Environment, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp 257-268.

Roberts, M. (1991) Living in a man-made world: gendered assumptions in modern housing design, Routledge, London.

Valentine, G. (1990) 'Women's Fear and the Design of Public Space', Built Environment, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp 286-303.

Whitzman, C. (2012) Building inclusive cities : women's safety and the right to the city.  London : Routledge


Race’, racism and diversity.

Catney, G.(2013) Has neighbourhood ethnic segregation decreased? [online] Manchester: ESRC Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE), University of Manchester.   Available at: http://www.ethnicity.ac.uk/census/885_CCSR_Neighbourhood_Bulletin_v7.pdf  [Accessed 11/4/14].

House of Commons Home Affairs Committee (2009) The Macpherson Report—Ten Years On. [online] http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200809/cmselect/cmhaff/427/427.pdf [Accessed 26/02/14

Jivraj, S. (2013) Who feels British?  The relationship between ethnicity, religion and national identity in England.  [online] Manchester: ESRC Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE), University of Manchester.   Available at: http://www.ethnicity.ac.uk/census/CoDE-National-Identity-Census-Briefing.pdf [Accessed 11/4/14].

Jivraj, S. and Khan, O. (2013) Ethnicity and deprivation in England:  How likely are ethnic minorities to live in deprived neighbourhoods?   [online] Manchester: ESRC Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE), University of Manchester.   Available at: http://www.ethnicity.ac.uk/census/CoDE-Deprivation-Census-Briefing.pdf  [Accessed 11/4/14].

Kaufmann, E. (2014) Understanding “White Flight”. [online]  Demos Quarterly.  17th January.  http://quarterly.demos.co.uk/article/issue-1/understanding-white-flight/ [Accessed 26/02/14].

Ministry of Justice (2012)  Race and the criminal justice system 2010.  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/race-and-the-criminal-justice-system--3 [Accessed 26/02/14

Peach, C. (1996) ‘Good segregation, bad segregation’. Planning Perspectives 11 (4): 379-398.

Peach. C. (1998) ‘South Asian and Caribbean Ethnic Minority housing choice in Britain’. Urban Studies 35 (10): 1657-1680.

Ratcliffe, P. (2004) 'Race', ethnicity and difference imagining the inclusive society.  Maidenhead : Open University Press.

Simpson, L. (2012) More segregation or more mixing? [online] Manchester: ESRC Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE), University of Manchester.   Available at: http://www.ethnicity.ac.uk/census/869_CCSR_Bulletin_More_segregation_or_more_mixing_v7NW.pdf [Accessed 11/4/14].

Simpson, L. (2013) Does Britain have plural cities? [online] Manchester: ESRC Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE), University of Manchester.   Available at: http://www.ethnicity.ac.uk/census/869_CCSR_Bulletin_Does_Britain_have_plural_cities_v7.pdf [Accessed 11/4/14].

Simpson, L. (2014) How have people’s ethnic identities changed in England and Wales?   [online] Manchester: ESRC Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE), University of Manchester.   Available at: http://www.ethnicity.ac.uk/census/CoDE-Changing-Identities-Census-Briefing.pdf [Accessed 11/4/14].

Smith, S. (1989) The politics of ‘race’ and residence. London: Routledge.

The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry (1999) Report of an Inquiry by Sir William Macpherson of Cluny. (CM4262-I). London: The Stationery Office. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-stephen-lawrence-inquiry [Accessed 26/02/14


The sociology of consumption

Bryman, A. (1999) The Disneyization of society. Sociological Review, 1999, 47(1), 25-47.

Byrne, D. (1989) ‘Sociotenurial polarization - issues of production and consumption in a locality’.  International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 13: 339-364.

Corrigan, P. (1997) The Sociology of Consumption.  London: Sage.

Edwards, T (2000) Contradictions of Consumption, Buckingham: Open University Press.

Gurney, C. (1999a) ‘We’ve got friends who live in council houses: power and resistance in home ownership’.  In: J. Hearn and S. Roseneil (eds.) Consuming cultures: power and resistance. Basingstoke: Macmillan.  pp 42-68.

Gurney, C. (1999b) ‘Pride and prejudice: discourses of normalisation in public and private accounts of home ownership’.  Housing Studies 14: 163-184 .

Korczynski., M. (2002) Enchanting a Disenchanted World: Revolutionizing the Means of Consumption/Explorations in the Sociology of Consumption: Fast Food, Credit Cards and Casinos.  Human Relations 55 (12) 1464-1470.

Lury, C. (1996) Consuming Cultures.  Cambridge: Polity.

Miller. D. (ed.) (1995) Acknowledging consumption; a review of new studies.  London: Routledge.

Ritzer, G. (1999) Enchanting a disenchanted world: Revolutionizing the means of consumption London: Pine Forge Press.

Ritzer, G. (2001) Explorations in the Sociology of Consumption.  London. Sage.

Rowlands, R. and Gurney, C. (2001) Young Peoples’ perceptions of housing tenure: a case study in the socialization of tenure prejudice.  Housing, Theory and Society 17: 121-130.

Saunders, P. (1978) ‘Domestic Property and Social Class’. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2: 233-251.

Saunders, P. (1984) ‘Beyond Housing Classes’.   International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.  8: 202-227

Saunders, P. (1986a) Social Theory and the Urban Question [2nd Edition].  London: Hutchinson. (Chapter 8 is the most important).

Saunders, P. (1986b) ‘Comment on Dunleavy and Preteceille.’  Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 4: 155-163.

Saunders, P. (1990) A Nation of Home Owners.  London: Unwin-Hyman.

Shields, R. (1992) Lifestyle Shopping.   London: Routledge.

Shove, E. and Warde, A. (1998) Inconspicuous Consumption.  [online] Lancaster.  University of Lancaster Occasional Paper.  http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/sociology/research/publications/papers/shove-warde-inconspicuous-consumption.pdf  [accessed 14/03/14]

Soron, D. (2010) Sustainability, self-identity and the sociology of consumption.  Sustainable Development 18, 172-181.

Warde, A. (1990) ‘Production, consumption and social change: reservations concerning Peter Saunders’s sociology of consumption’.  International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 14: 228-248.

Zukin, S. and Macguire, J. (2004) Comsumers and consumption.  Annual Review of Sociology 30: 173-197.


Social capital

Baron, S. et al (eds) (2000) Social Capital: Critical Perspectives.  Buckingham: OUP.

Coleman, J. S. (1988). Social capital in the creation of human capital [Supplement: Organizations and institutions: Sociological and economic approaches to the analysis of social structure]. American Journal of Sociology, 94, S95–S120.

Fine, B. (2000) Social Capital Versus Social Theory: Political Economy and Social Sciences at the Turn of the Millennium, London: Routledge

Fukuyama, F. (2000) Social Capital and Civil Society.

Gaved, M. & Anderson, B. (2006). The impact of local ICT initiatives on social capital and quality of life. Chimera Working Paper 2006-6, Essex, UK: University of Essex.

Granovetter, M. (1983). The strength of weak ties: A network theory revisited. Sociological Theory, 1, 201–223.

Harper, R. (2001) Social Capital: A review of the literature.  ONS.  [Accessed 19/4/14] Available at: http://www.statistics.gov.uk/socialcapital/downloads/soccaplitreview.pdf    

Harper, R. and Kelly M (2003) Measuring Social Capital in the UK, ONS.  [Accessed 19/4/14] Available at: http://www.statistics.gov.uk/socialcapital/downloads/harmonisation_steve_5.pdf]

Lin, N. (2001). Social capital: A theory of social structure and action. London: Cambridge University Press.

ONS (2003) http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=314

Portes, A. (1998) ‘Social capital: its origins and applications in modern sociology’, Annual Review of Sociology, 24:1, 1-24.

Putnam, R. (2000) Bowling Alone: The collapse and revival of American community.  New York.  Simon and Schuster.

Putnam, R. (2007) E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and community in the 21st Century.  Scandinavian Political Studies 30 (2) pp 137- 174.  [Accessed 21/3/13] Available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x/pdf

Seddon, C. (2011)  Lifestyles and social participation Social Trends 41.   London  ONS.  [Accessed 21/3/13] Available at http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/social-trends-rd/social-trends/social-trends-41/index.html.


Cultural Capital

Bennett, T et al. (2009) Culture, Class, Distinction, London: Routledge.

Bourdieu, P. (1999) Distinction: a social critique of the judgment of taste.  London, Routledge.

Carr, J. (2012) The Rockspace.  Alibi.com: Aural Fixation (blog) V.21 No.30 [online]  http://alibi.com/music/42257/The-Rock-Space.html  [Accessed 19/4/14].

Le Roux, B. et al (2007) Class and cultural division in the UK. CRESC WP 40. [online} http://www.cresc.ac.uk/sites/default/files/wp40.pdf[Accessed 19/4/14]

Open University (2014) Cultural Capital and Social Exclusion (ERSC Research Project Resources Page)  http://www.open.ac.uk/socialsciences/about-the-faculty/case-studies/cultural.php  [Accessed 19/4/14].

Peterson R. A. and R. Kern (1996) , ‘Changing highbrow taste: from snob to omnivore’, American Sociological Review, 61, pp.900-07

Poulton, G. (2009) Cultural Participation, the Making of Distinction and the Case
of Fans of FC United of Manchester
. CRESC WP 73.http://www.cresc.ac.uk/sites/default/files/wp%2073.pdf  [Accessed 19/4/14].

Prieur, A. et al (2008) Cultural capital today: a case study from Denmark.  Poetics 36 (1); 45-71.

Savage, M. (2010) The Politics of Elective Belonging. Housing, Theory and Society 27 (2) pp 115-135.

Silva, E. (2005), Gender, home and family in cultural capital theory.  The British Journal of Sociology, 56: 83–103.

Silva, E. and Warde, A. (eds) (2010) Cultural Analysis and Bourdieu’s Legacy: Settling accounts and developing alternatives. London: Routledge

Sullivan, A. (2001). Cultural Capital and Educational Attainment. Sociology, 35, pp 893-912.

Watson, M. (2012) Bourdieu’s Food Space. [online] Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies  (blog).  University of California.  http://www.gastronomica.org/bourdieus-food-space/ [accessed on 14/03/14].


Geodemographics and the mapping of social class

Burrows, R. (2010) The geodemographics of elective belonging.  Housing, Theory and Society 27 (2): 146-150.

Burrows, R. (2013) Life in the ‘alpha territory’: investigating London’s ‘super-rich’ neighbourhoods. British Politics and Policy [Blog] at LSE (21 Jan 2013).  [Accessed 20/3/14] Available at: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/48472/  [Accessed 20/3/14]

Burrows, R. and Gane, N. (2006) Geodemographics, software and class. Sociology 40; pp 793-812.

Burrows, R. et al. (2005) Neighbourhoods on the Net: Internet-Based Neighbourhood Information Systems and their Consequences.  Bristol: Policy Press.

Batey, P. and Brown, P.J.B. (2007). The spatial targeting of urban policy initiatives: a geodemographic assessment tool. Environment and Planning A, 39: 2774–2793.

Blackman T. (2006) Placing Health. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Bowker, G. and S. Star (1999) Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences.  Mass: MIT.

Harris R, Sleight P, Webber R. (2005) Geodemographics, GIS and Neighbourhood Targeting. London: Wiley.

Longley, P. (2012) Geodemographics and the practices of geographic information science. . International Journal of Geographical Information Science Vol. 26, Iss. 12, 2012

Shortt, N. et al (2011)  Re-engaging with the physical environment: a health-related environmental classification of the UK.  Area 43 (1) 76-87.

Singleton, A. (2012) The geodemographics of access and participation in Geography.  Geographical Journal 178: 216-229.  Part 3.

Uprichard, E. (2009) Geodemographic code and the production of space.  Environment and Planning A.  41 (12) 2823-2835.

Webber, R. (2007) The metropolitan habitus: its manifestations, locations, and consumption profiles. Environment and Planning A, 39: 182–207.


Riots and Urban Protest

Bridges, L. (2012) Four days in August: the UK 2011 riots.  Race and Class 54 (1) 1-12.

Frost, D and Phillips, R. (2012) The 2011 Summer riots: Learning from history – remembering ’81. Sociological Research Online, 17 (3) 19 Available at: http://www.socresonline.org.uk/17/3/19.html [Accessed 21/3/14]

Gilroy, P. (2013) 1981 and 2011: From Social Democratic to Neoliberal Rioting. The South Atlantic Quarterly 112 (3)   550-558.

Guardian, The (nd): Reading the riots.  Investigating England’s Summer of disorder. [online] http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/series/reading-the-riots [Accessed 21/3/14]

Harman, C. (1981) The Summer of 1981: A post-riot analysis.  International Socialism 2 (14) 1:43.  [Online]  http://www.marxists.org/archive/harman/1981/xx/riots.html [Accessed 21/3/14]

Lea, J. & Young, J. (1981) Urban Violence and Political Marginalisation: The riots in Britain; summer 1981. Critical Social Policy 1: 59-69.  Reprint available at http://www.bunker8.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/misc/urbviol.html [Accessed 21/3/14]

Morrel, G. et al  (2011) The August riots in England.  Understanding the involvement of young people.  London: National Centre for Social Research.   [online] https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/60531/The_20August_20Riots_20in_20England_20_pdf__201mb_.pdf [Accessed 21/3/14]

Morrel, G. et al  (2011) The August riots in England.  Understanding the involvement of young people.  London: National Centre for Social Research.   [online] https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/60531/The_20August_20Riots_20in_20England_20_pdf__201mb_.pdf [Accessed 21/3/14]

Newburn, T. et al (2011) A new kind of riot?  From Brixton 1981 to Tottenham 2011.  The Guardian 9/12/11 http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/dec/09/riots-1981-2011-differences [Accessed 21/3/14]

Phillips, R. et al (2013) Researching the Riots.  The Geographical journal. 179 (1) 3-10.

RCVP (2011) Five days in August: Interim report.  London: RCVP.  [online] http://riotspanel.independent.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Interim-report-5-Days-in-August.pdf  [Accessed 21/3/14]

RCVP (2012) After the riots: Final report of the Riots Communities and Victim Panel.  London: RCVP [online]  http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20121003195935/http://riotspanel.independent.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Riots-Panel-Final-Report1.pdf  [Accessed 21/3/14]

Rex, J. (1982) The 1981 riots in Britain, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 6 (1), 99-113.

Rodrigues, J. (1981) The riots of 1981 , Marxism Today, 25 (10), 18-22. [Accessed 21/3/14] http://www.unz.org/Pub/MarxismToday-1981oct-00018

Solomos, J. (2011) Race, Rumours and Riots: Past, Present and Future. Sociological Research Online, 16 (4) 20 Available at: http://www.socresonline.org.uk/16/4/20.html [Accessed 21/3/14]

Waddington, D. (1992). Contemporary issues in public disorder : a comparative and historical approach (Chapter 4) [Cardiff University ebook]


Reading/writing the city

Attack the Block (2011) [film]. Directed by Joe Cornish. UK. Studio Canal/Film 4/UK Film Council.

Blunt, A. and Dowling, R. (2006) Home.  Abingdon: Routledge. (Chapter 2: Representing Home)

Heanni, S. (2010) Geographies of Desire: Postsocial Urban Space and Historical Revision in the Films of Martin Scorsese.  Journal of Film and Video 62 (1-2) pp 67-85.

Ill Manors (2012) [film]. Directed by Ben Drew. UK. Microwave/Film London/BBC Films.

Kelman, S. (2011) Pigeon English. London. Bloomsbury.

King, P. (2004) ‘The Room to Panic: An Example of Film Criticism and Housing Research’. Housing, Theory and Society 21 (1): 27–35.

Manzi, T. (2005) Fact and Fiction in Housing Research: Utilizing the Creative Imagination.  Housing, Theory and Society 22 (3): 113-125.

Penz, P. (2012) . "Towards an Urban Narrative Layers Approach to Decipher the Language of City Films." [online] Comparative Literature and Culture 14 (3).  Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.7771/1481-4374.2041 [Accessed 28/3/14]

Roberts, L. (2011) Dis/embedded Geographies of Film: Virtual Panoramas and the Touristic Consumption of Liverpool Waterfront.  Space and Culture 13 (1) 54-74.

Roberts, L. (2012) Film, mobility and urban space.  Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

Shelton, K. (2013) Drive: journeys through film, cities and landscapes (Book Review), Planning Perspectives, 28 (4) 648-650,

Shiel, M. and Fitzmaurice, T. (2003) Cinema and the City: Film and urban societies in a global context.  Oxford. Blackwell.

Shonfield, K. (2000) Walls have feelings : architecture, film and the city.  London: Routledge.

Singer, A. (2011) A Novel Approach: The Sociology of Literature, Children’s Books, and Social Inequality [online].  International journal of Qualitative Methods 10(4)  Available at https://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/IJQM/article/view/6732 [Accessed on 28/3/14]


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